Tuesday 27 May 2014

The Freemasons

The Masons

What exactly are the Freemanson? And who are they? The misteriously locate themselves in major cities and towns, the own expensive buildings and property but you never hear anyone talking about it. 
It's like they are there, just in front of you, in front of everyone but camouflaging, like wearing a disguise but they are not ... How do the manage to be right in the middle of everyone but remain a mystery?
Their secrecy amazes me and how they manage to keep it that way for hundreds of years even more.

Their buildings always have their symbol at the front, the Compass & Square

This is the Masonic Center in Sydney, located in the corner of Castlereaugh and Goulburn St, made following the Brutalish Movement. 

Above he link of a very interesting articulo regarding the architecture of this building.

Old "handbooks" of freemasonry define the organization as "a peculiar system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols," "a science which is engaged in the search after the divine truth," and "the activity of closely united men who, employing symbolical forms borrowed principally from the mason's trade and from architecture, work for the welfare of mankind, striving morally to ennoble themselves and others and thereby to bring about a universal league of mankind which they aspire to exhibit even now on a small scale."
They credit themselves with the building of Noah's Ark, the Tower of Babel, the Pyramids and Solomon's Temple. The practice of freemasonry includes temples, altars, a moral code, worship services, vestments, feast days, a hierarchy of leadership, initiation and burial rites, and promises of eternal reward and punishment. During the initiation rite, the candidate expresses a desire to seek "light," and he is assured that he will receive the light of spiritual instruction that he could not receive in another Church. 
The Freemasonry is anti-Catholic. In the United States, one of the leaders of freemasonry, Gen. Albert Pike referred to the papacy as "a deadly, treacherous enemy,".

One of the most famous Freemanson was Benjamin Frankling, which became a member a few years after starting his own society, the Leathern Apron Club. He was the Grand Master of Pensilvaniia, a hero of the Revolutionary War, Founding Father and inventor.
George Washington, Mozart, Simon Bolivar, Mark Twain, Wiston Churchill, Franklin D. Rooselvelt, J. Edgard Hoover, Silvio Berlusconi, Jesse Jackson, John Elway, Oscar Wilde, Michael Richards are just a few. 

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